We are

Leaders in LAW Solution


15 Years of Experience,
Operating in Zimbabwe.

Rusinahama--Rabvukwa attorneys is a law firm which exists to solve complex problems in commercial and corporate law , mining , commercial crimes , technology and energy among other fields. it has a unique focus on problem solving and seeks to mobilize talent towards offering tailor-made solutions. The firm is a thought leader in the intersection between the fourth revolution and the growth of African markets. With a special focus on the client , the firm pledges to be yours in law.

In the African law tradition in laws are revered and well respected. Their needs are attended to first and at a gathering of minds their needs take centre stage. Our pledge is to give our clients supreme in law treatment. We are yours in law.

Yours in law

Brentwood Chambers

Our Business

Stand Out From The Rest


Our Mission

To solve complex legal problems globally.

Our Core Values

Equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will which the same as saying.

  • Industry
  • Innovation
  • Growth
  • Adaption
  • Excellence
  • Respect

Our Vision

To solve complex legal problems globally.
